Thursday, 29 September 2011

New Brooches

Finally I have managed to find the time to turn my little applique designs that I use to create my cards into brooches.
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Bird Brooch
home sweet home...
Cottage Brooch
After playing around with the scale I think I’ve got them sorted. I can’t wait to try them out at my next show, but this isn’t until November!
I have started my Christmas decorations which seems a little crazy when it’s so hot outside. This strange weather has definitely thrown me off. I was all prepared for autumn a week ago very unusual!
I’m re stocking my folksy shop so please check my new work out
I’m also using facebook to launch new products as they are created so please check that out and if you like, like my page!
Please let me know what you think of my new brooches, any feedback is great


  1. These are absolutely beautiful. I love the soft colours you've used and the mix of textures. Very inspiring!

  2. Finally I have managed to find the time to turn my little applique designs that I use to create my cards into Cheap Brooches For Women
